47, place des Ferblantiers - Marrakech
Téléphone : 05 24 38 03 24
Fax : 05 24 38 03 42
Email : kosybar@yahoo.com
The Kosybar in Marrakech is a magnificent Riad situated right in the heart of the medina, in the age-old Mellah district. It is open day and night, and offers a light menu at lunch time. In the evening, you can choose from many exotic international and moroccan dishes prepared by Japanese chef, Nao Tamaki. The terrace is refreshed with a fine spray and has a view of the medina. You can also observe the storks' nests perched on the nearby ramparts of the Badii Palace.
Chef Kosybar Nao Tamaki / Propriétaire Kosybar Nabil Zniber
Lunch : From Monday to Sunday / Diner : From Monday to Sunday / Capacity : 130 personnes / Terrasse : 60 personnes
Starters Kosybar
Hot filo pastry rolls with goats cheese 90.00 dhs Assortment of aromatic Moroccan Salads 90.00 dhs Tartare de crevettes grises marinées à l'huile d'argan et citrons confits135.00 dhs Samosa Indien de légumes, sauce raita aux concombres110.00 dhs Tataki de saumon, sa sauce pesto au nori, salade crudité façon asiatique120.00 dhs
Entrees Kosybar
Saint-Pierre roasted with rosemary and served with a caramelised fruit and vegetable kebab170.00 dhs Shoulder of lamb with sweet tomatoes and shallots 360.00 dhs Tagine de pageot rose aux poivrons, citrons confits, olives trois couleurs165.00 dhs Filet de boeuf au wasabi, croquettes de pomme de terre 180.00 dhs Assortiment comprenant nigin, maki et sashimi185.00 dhs
Desserts Kosybar
Caramelised Millefeuille with vanilla glaze 65.00 dhs Chocolate fondue with fresh fruits75.00 dhs Vanilla Crème Brulee with lemon zest 65.00 dhs Croustillant aux poires caramélisées à l'amlou75.00 dhs Lemon Souffle 70.00 dhs